Convivium Brands and Meritage Wine Marketing appoint MS Walker NY to distribute Michel-Schlumberger Dry Creek Valley…
@conviviumman As they say on the river: dammed if you do, dammed if you don't.
@conviviumman just means when we are successful it will be that much sweeter!
@conviviumman ...and it tastes good, if you buy the good brands ;) (just like bottled)
Let's change minds! @conviviumman: Grape Expectations - just 26% of Brits think boxed wine is inferior to bottled @spicketwine
@conviviumman @spicketwine Wine "handbag" bag-in-a-purse featured on Live! With Kelly and Michael #BiB
The Grapevine is out! ▸ Top stories today via @conviviumman @evandawson @alphabeticalife
Wow! @spicketwine: 26 wines 2nite @bevmo,we made it! @conviviumman @therealjody @Porsgaard @matthowland @klgandhoda”
26 wines 2nite @bevmo,we made it!Full notes won't fit here. @conviviumman #downthehatch @therealjody @Porsgaard @matthowland @klgandhoda
@conviviumman tmrw we r tasting 24 wines, 12 white+12 red so we can send you some flavor thoughts. we'll tweet about each one too with pix
@conviviumman What's going on... We Producers from Philly. If you or someone you know looking for Beats. Hit us -
Excellent recap of the NYC #Champagne de Vignerons trade tasting last wk by @conviviumman
Thx! back at ya! RT @VinoTecha: Happy #ff @dmperlman @TheKrankl @ShitMySommSays @Waynegrape @BostonSommelier @conviviumman @WineForThought